Friday, July 24, 2009

Blast from the past

well it has been a good game playing as Blast from the past players and we hoped for a win on the day, unfortunately first half we were 3-0 down but after words of encouragement during half -time, we played as a unit then finally Won the match by 9-7
well done boys you deserve a crown.

just of bit of extra practice we would be invincible. Hola Magents check-out

We rock


  1. Good to see you blogging again mfowethu. This is a great group of guys, I am grateful that we are in this together. We do rock. You inspired me to do a soccer blog.

  2. sawubona Mfowethu, hayi ke oyabona la emzanzi k'shubile kobonvu.

    C U 2morrow
